RCAP Implementation Workshops

EXPLORE RCAP Implementation Workshops

RCAP Implementation Workshop: Resilient Energy Systems

The Compact is hosting an RCAP Implementation Workshop on Resilient Energy Systems on September 27-28 in Miami. This two-day workshop will focus on the development of resilient energy systems for critical infrastructure facilities through the expanded use of distributed energy resources to improve Southeast Florida’s disaster preparedness and ensure long-term regional resilience.

RCAP Implementation Workshop: Building Codes for Climate Resilience

https://southeastfloridaclimatecompact.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Benchmarking-Policies-for-Existing-Buildings-Experiences-in-Atlanta.pdfThe Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, in partnership with the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance, hosted a Regional Climate Action Plan Implementation Workshop on Building Codes for Climate Resilience on March 14, 2019 in North Miami. The workshop focused on how local governments can play a role in building code development and how to advance local […]

RCAP Implementation Workshop: Electric Vehicles

Transportation accounts for nearly 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions within the Southeast Florida Region. Given the current car dependency within the region, rapid electrification of transportation combined with the decarbonization of the electricity sector represents a critical pathway to achieve emission reductions. While consumer demand for electric vehicles (EVs) is rising, there are numerous […]

RCAP Implementation Workshop: Climate Equity

Climate change functions as a “threat multiplier” – increasing individuals’ exposure and sensitivity to extreme weather, flooding, sea level rise, and extreme heat, thus reducing their capacity to respond to future climate impacts. This multiplier effect is particularly burdensome for, and at times disproportionately borne by frontline communities, which include people of color, individuals with […]

RCAP Implementation Workshop – Readying SEFL Communities for Resiliency Funding: Leveraging Existing Data and Best Practices for Vulnerability Assessments

Following the passage of several sea level rise and flooding resilience bills during the 2021 legislative session establishing the Florida Resilient Grant Program to fund resilience planning, this workshop aims to help prepare local governments in Southeast Florida to assess vulnerability and ensure alignment with state requirements. Vulnerability assessments are foundational to identifying the people, […]

RCAP Implementation Workshop – The Invisible Threat: Understanding, Managing, and Reducing the Impacts of Increasing Heat

While rising seas and intensifying hurricane events are typically the climate change impacts most frequently considered in the context of Southeast Florida, extreme heat is increasingly recognized as one of the most serious consequences to our communities. Known as the invisible killer, heat is the deadliest of all climate-induced stressors. A 2020 study found that […]

RCAP Implementation Workshop: Climate-Resilient Affordable Housing

Southeast Florida faces two considerable and interconnected challenges to the region’s shared prosperity, resilience, safety, and economic growth—climate change and affordable housing. The region is often cited as one of the most at-risk metro areas globally due to a changing climate. At the same time, according to 2020 data from the Shimberg Center for Housing […]

Conducting Statutory-Compliant Vulnerability Assessments: Relevant Data, Resources & Incorporating Rainfall

In partnership with the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, environmental consulting firm Hazen and Sawyer will present a capacity-building workshop on Tuesday, August 8. for local governments and the consulting community that provides vulnerability assessment services to local governments across the region. This workshop is particularly well-suited for communities that have fewer internal resources to advance vulnerability assessments. The workshop will build upon […]

Broward County Government Center 115 S Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

Benchmarking Peer Learning Exchange

Voluntary programs and benchmarking ordinances serve as a first step in curbing the estimated 30% building energy waste. This event is designed to facilitate cross-pollination of learnings and best practices from existing benchmarking programs across the region, as well as external examples. Speakers include representatives from Institute for Market Transformation, Miami-Dade County Office of Resilience, City of Miami […]