RCAP Implementation Workshops

EXPLORE RCAP Implementation Workshops

RCAP Implementation Workshop: AAA Legislation and Application

btAs part of a continuing series of workshops designed to advance implementation of the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Action Plan, the Compact’s Staff Steering Committee and the Institute for Sustainable Communities held this one-day workshop for city/county planners, sustainability managers, and other local government professionals. This workshop explored adaptation action area (AAA) legislation and application […]

RCAP Implementation Workshop: Stormwater

As part of a continuing series of workshops designed to advance implementation of the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Action Plan, the Compact’s Staff Steering Committee and the Institute for Sustainable Communities hosted this one-day workshop designed for stormwater, utilities, and public works professionals; city/county engineers; sustainability managers; and other local government professionals. This workshop focused […]

RCAP Implementation Workshop: Transportation

The Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact hosted the RCAP Transportation Workshop as part of a continuing series of workshops designed to advance implementation of the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Action Plan. This free one-day workshop was designed for elected officials, city managers and assistant city managers, transportation and planning directors and staff, downtown development authority […]

Energy Efficient Buildings RCAP Implementation Workshop

As part of a continuing series of workshops designed to advance implementation of the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Action Plan, this workshop was designed specifically for facility managers of local government public buildings, including parks and recreation managers who are responsible for their buildings’ operations. The workshop included a tour of the Broward College Health […]

RCAP Implementation Workshop: Reducing Climate Risk and Creating Economic Opportunity

As part of a continuing series of workshops designed to advance implementation of the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Action Plan, this workshop was designed specifically for city managers, budget and finance managers, risk management professionals, planners, and those concerned with the financial risk and economic opportunities for local governments due to climate change.