Compact Climate Assessment Tool Survey

Compact Climate Assessment Tool Survey

The Compact climate assessment survey is implemented from spring to summer on an annual basis. Local and tribal governments across the four-county region are invited to complete the annual self-assessment survey on their progress toward the 11 prioritized mitigation and adaptation actions, as well as the ways in which they have embedded equity into these actions, as part of the Compact Climate Assessment Tool (C-CCAT). Results of the survey are aggregated annually and reported as part of the Regional Climate Assessment Snapshot.

The 2024 C-CAT survey is now open!

The Compact invites local and tribal governments across the four-county region to complete the annual self-assessment survey on their progress toward the 11 prioritized mitigation and adaptation actions, as well as the ways in which they have embedded equity into these actions.

Instructions on how to complete the Survey:

It is recommended for staff who are responsible for resilience, sustainability, and/or planning complete the self-assessment survey with support as needed from other cross-functional departments. The time it takes to complete the survey depends on the level of detail provided in the response; however, it is estimated to take 2 – 5 hours to complete. Please submit only one survey response per local or tribal government.

The survey questions are available to download in either Microsoft Word or fillable PDF format to allow respondents to review the survey in its entirety before beginning the response process in SOGOSurvey. Only responses provided in SOGOSurvey will be accepted. Within the survey platform, respondents will have the ability to save a portion of the survey and return to complete at a later date. However, once you click “done” at the end of the survey, you have completed your survey and you will not be able to go back and make edits to your responses. Please contact Russell Paez, or Rafiqa Brinkley, for access to your survey responses.

Please report on the most impactful activities the local government has done to advance the 11 priority actions in calendar year 2023 (January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023).

The Survey will be open from May 15, 2024 to July 31, 2024

Previous Respondents:

If you or someone else within your organization submitted responses to the last year’s survey, use the below button to access the 2024 CCAT survey with your previous responses pre-populated.

The staff person who responded to the survey last year will receive a single-use password separately via email. Please note: single-use refers to the email address used from last year’s survey, not the number of times you can enter the password. This password is unique to you and your organization—please do not share it with anyone outside of your organization.

If the staff person is no longer with your organization or if someone else in your office plans to complete the survey, please contact Rafiqa Brinkley at prior to completing the survey.

Once you enter your password on the first screen, you will be taken to the 2024 CCAT survey with last year’s written responses pre-populated in an editable format. Keep in mind that the question format has been modified, so you will see the responses that coordinate with the proper questions. The purpose of the pre-population is to reduce response time; however, please do make any necessary edits to the pre-populated responses to augment or improve accuracy of the information provided.  To save and come back at a later date, click on “save and continue later.”

Should you encounter any issues with accessing your password or your pre-populated responses, please contact Rafiqa Brinkley at

Respondents may review all survey questions before beginning the response process in SogoSurvey by downloading the Word document or fillable PDF. A respondent can return to the survey as many times as necessary once they have begun in SogoSurvey.

New Respondents:

If you or your organization did not participate in the 2023 CCAT survey, please click on the button below, which will direct you to the 2024 CCAT survey. There is no password required to access the survey. To save and come back at a later date, click on “save and continue later.”

Please contact Rafiqa Brinkley at with any questions or concerns about the CCAT survey process.

Respondents may review all survey questions before beginning the response process in SogoSurvey by downloading the Word document or fillable PDF. A respondent can return to the survey as many times as necessary once they have begun in SogoSurvey.

All Survey Questions Word Document

This Microsoft Word document contains all 2024 survey questions to allow a respondent to review before beginning the response process in SOGOSurvey. A respondent can return to the survey as many times as necessary once they have begun in SOGOSurvey.

All Survey Questions PDF

This fillable PDF contains all 2024 survey questions to allow a respondent to review before beginning the response process in SOGOSurvey. A respondent can return to the survey as many times as necessary once they have begun in SOGOSurvey.

11 Priority Actions

This document contains all 11 prioritized mitigation and adaptation actions that local governments are asked to report annual progress toward.

Equity Recommendations

This document contains guidance developed by an equity advisory committee to support local governments in their efforts to embed equity in their climate action. While this document is comprehensive, it is not meant to be exhaustive of every possible step a local government can take to advance equitable climate action.

General Survey Information

When responding to the survey, local governments should include backup documents to support their self-reporting (i.e. linking to resolutions, budget items, referenced plans, etc.). To aid in communications with stakeholders and communities, the Compact also encourages each local government to work with your City Clerk/Clerk of Courts to open a public comment/resident review period of your draft responses prior to submitting survey results to the Compact. The survey will be open for 2.5 months to allow local governments ample time to complete the survey as well as facilitate their own public comment period which is highly recommended.

To learn more about how the Compact will use the survey results, please refer to the Regional Climate Assessment Snapshot.

Why take the survey?

While partaking in the survey is completely voluntary for local governments, we believe there are numerous benefits:

  • Provides guidance on priority actions to take to address climate change
  • Provides guidance from local equity experts on ways to embed equity into climate actions
  • Creates common priorities to work on together as a region, and identifies other local government leaders from whom to learn
  • Provides opportunity to share progress and successes
  • Aids in improving transparency on climate change activities
  • Supports communication with communities and other key stakeholders
  • Builds the case for increasingly ambitious climate action in the region and the resources to support this action
  • Helps identify and inform potential topics for regional capacity building