Advance regionally coordinated, holistic infrastructure investments to reduce risk and enhance community resilience, inclusive of flood mitigation, water and sewer upgrades, and other climate adaptation strategies such as nature-based infrastructure and urban design considerations like mobility and shade.
RR-3.1 Create a structure for cities, counties and agencies to work together on multi-jurisdictional adaptation projects in order to improve the cost-effectiveness and impact of shared investments.
IMPLEMENTERS: Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, local governments,
regional agencies, regional planning councils, SFWMD
RR-3.2 Leverage available pre-disaster funding from FEMA’s Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA), Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) and HUD’s Community Development Block Grant Mitigation Funds (CDBG-MIT) for financing, planning and prioritizing longer-term solutions and investments to reduce risk.
IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, SFWMD