Develop localized adaptation strategies for areas of greatest climate-related vulnerability in collaboration with appropriate agencies and jurisdictions to foster multi-jurisdictional solutions and maximize co-benefits.


ST-4.1 Develop policies, capital plans and a specific pipeline of projects that address climate-related vulnerabilities, including those designated via Adaptation Action Areas (AAAs).

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional agencies

ST-4.2 Identify locations within AAAs or similarly vulnerable areas where focused infrastructure improvements, new infrastructure, modified land use and/or development practices could reduce vulnerability and/or improve community resilience.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments

ST-4.3 Coordinate regionally across municipalities and county planning authorities to develop projects and funding proposals seeking prioritized funding for identified infrastructure needs and specific adaptation improvements required in AAAs or other related adaptation planning areas.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional planning councils, regional transportation agencies

ST-4.4 Identify populations and communities that are most vulnerable or of special concern within AAAs and similarly vulnerable areas to ensure proper consideration of individual needs and resources as part of local and regional planning activities.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional planning councils

ST-4.5 Utilize technical workshops and collaborative design charrettes to help develop adaptation strategies, including those focused on living with the water. Include case studies of green (e.g., natural stormwater retention) and gray (e.g., road elevation) solutions that provide information on planning, design, construction and communication experiences.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional planning councils