Use evidence-based planning and decision making for transportation system investments and management.


ST-21.1 Collaborate on the collection and use of transportation-related data with an emphasis on enhancing currently available data or filling data gaps (e.g., on walking and biking trips). Collaborate on performance metrics for transportation facilities and services that are multimodal, address the linkage between transportation and land use, and reflect intergovernmental and interagency coordination.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional transportation agencies

ST-21.2 Research how travel behaviors are influenced by:

  • Development patterns
  • Emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles
  • Enhanced multimodal infrastructure and services

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional transportation agencies, academic institutions

ST-21.3 Explore and enhance the capabilities of the region’s activity-based travel demand forecast model for long-range transportation planning in order to simulate trip making and mode choices, test policy alternatives and scenarios, and project GHG emissions.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional transportation agencies

ST-21.4 Identify and build capacity in the use of additional tools for assessing travel demand from a multimodal perspective, including those used in conjunction with local government reviews of proposed land use changes and development or redevelopment projects.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional transportation agencies

ST-21.5 Incorporate measures of accessibility to destinations using multiple modes of travel in the evaluation of land-use and transportation plans and programs. Educate transportation and land-use staff on the value of access-to-destinations measures. Access to destinations means that everyone can reach valued destinations such as jobs, school, health care institutions, recreational sites, etc. regardless of socioeconomic background, race, ethnicity, gender, physical ability etc.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional transportation agencies