Expand the use of transportation demand management (TDM) strategies and demonstration projects to reduce peak period and single-occupant vehicle travel.


ST-19.1 Include TDM strategies in local government and agency plans. Provide support for existing transportation management initiatives and transportation management associations.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional transportation agencies

ST-19.2 Work with municipal planning organizations, South Florida Commuter Services, South Florida Vanpool, transportation network companies and others to identify and pursue opportunities to increase use of carpools and vanpools, maximize use of available parking and promote remote work.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional transportation agencies, private sector

ST-19.3 Work with companies and strategic partners including academic institutions, municipalities and large employers to establish or expand car-, bike- and personal vehicle-sharing programs.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional transportation agencies,

academic institutions, private sector, economic development organizations

ST-19.4 Encourage the use of employee benefits and programs that support transit, walking, biking and carpooling for work commutes (e.g., pre-tax benefits and emergency ride home programs).

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional transportation agencies, private sector

ST-19.5 Use education and engagement to increase participation in programs encouraging non-single-occupant vehicle (SOV) work commutes (e.g., the South Florida Commuter Challenge) and explore the adoption of commute trip reduction ordinances.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional transportation agencies