Reduce risk and economic losses associated with sea level rise and flooding through the implementation of local government comprehensive plans, post-disaster redevelopment plans, building codes and land development regulations.
ST-8.1 Incorporate strategies into local government comprehensive plans and post-disaster redevelopment plans to discourage new development or post-disaster redevelopment in climate-vulnerable areas in order to reduce future risk and economic losses associated with persistent and/or acute flooding which may include, as appropriate, the following:
- Prohibition on increased density/intensity
- Reduce densities/intensities
- Transfer of development rights
- Targeted buyouts
IMPLEMENTERS: local governments
ST-8.2 Work with the appropriate local, regional and state authorities to revise building codes and land development regulations to require vulnerability reduction measures (e.g. additional hardening, higher floor elevations and the incorporation of natural infrastructure) for increased resilience of all new construction, redevelopment and infrastructure.
IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional planning councils
STATE/FEDERAL PARTNERS: Florida Building Commission
ST-8.3 Avoid placing critical facilities in areas vulnerable to climate-related hazards. Prioritize protection and hardening of critical facilities already located in such areas and pursue relocation as appropriate.
IMPLEMENTERS: local governments