Designate conservation areas and growth areas as a priority-setting tool for areas vulnerable to climate change impacts, and to maximize benefits to natural systems while guiding people and commerce to less vulnerable places in the region.


ST-5.1 Designate or otherwise recognize conservation areas in local government comprehensive plans and post-disaster redevelopment plans to identify undeveloped areas vulnerable to climate change impacts. These undeveloped areas should be assessed and prioritized to maximize the benefits of natural systems, including:

  • Environmental restoration
  • Dune restoration
  • Beach restoration
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Natural resource conservation
  • Recreational open space
  • Stormwater retention areas

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments

ST-5.2 Prioritize land acquisition in areas identified for conservation. This land could also be protected or acquired through mitigation or transfer of development rights initiatives.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional agencies


ST-5.3 Designate or otherwise recognize areas in local government comprehensive plans and post-disaster redevelopment plans where growth is encouraged due to higher elevation, the lack of adverse impacts to important natural areas, and the presence of existing infrastructure, such as transportation, water and sewer infrastructure. Growth areas should be developed as fully integrated developments that do not create the need for infrastructure that is not otherwise met by the development plan.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments