Develop joint positions on greenhouse gas emissions reduction, energy and resilience issues. Advocate together as the Compact and with other partners for those positions before state and federal legislatures, regulatory bodies and the executive and judicial branches of government.


PP-2.1 Continue developing joint federal and state climate, energy and resilience legislative programs to guide united federal and state advocacy by the Compact and others in the region.

IMPLEMENTERS: Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact

PP-2.2 Participate in Florida Public Service Commission proceedings that could significantly affect regional climate interests.

IMPLEMENTERS: Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, local governments

PP-2.3 Advocate for incorporation of climate-related policies and programs in state and federal infrastructure funding programs.

IMPLEMENTERS: Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, local governments, regional agencies, advocacy organizations

PP-2.4 Support continued U.S. participation in global climate accords and continued action to meet national goals under global agreements.

IMPLEMENTERS: Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, local governments