Encourage ongoing dialogue between and among local elected officials, local government staff and frontline communities about local climate impacts, community needs and priorities to build awareness and inform decision making.


EQ-5.1 Create opportunities for in-person discussions between local governments and frontline communities about the unique climate challenges and opportunities present or anticipated in their communities. Begin with listening sessions with frontline community members to understand local issues and priorities and identify local leaders. Provide sufficient information and technical assistance in advance to have meaningful dialogue. Identify existing community meetings where climate conversations can be added to agendas.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, Tribal governments, philanthropic community,

community-based organizations, faith-based organizations

EQ-5.2 Hold listening sessions, meetings and forums that are accessible to the community and attend existing community meetings and gatherings. Communication venues should be:

  • Physically and/or virtually accessible (i.e. places that people can walk and bike/roll to or can be reached by transit)
  • Safe for all community members
  • Located in places that communities value as gathering spaces (e.g., community centers and cultural centers)
  • Led in, or translated into, the primary language(s) of the community
  • Scheduled at various times to accommodate different schedules
  • Targeted towards various demographics, including youth
  • Sufficiently staffed with government representation from different departments so that community questions are adequately answered

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, Tribal governments,

community-based organizations, neighborhood associations, consultants/contractors

EQ-5.3 Provide resources or compensation to remove potential barriers for community participation, including:

  • Providing childcare for parents attending
  • Providing food if held in the evening
  • Providing or facilitating transportation

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, Tribal governments, philanthropic community, faith-based organizations,

neighborhood associations, non-profit organizations, community-based organizations, consultants/contractors

EQ-5.4 Provide sufficient funding, staff time and resources for community engagement within project budgets.

IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, Tribal governments