POINT OF VIEW: Climate change coordinator puts county ahead of curve
May 23, 2015
From the Palm Beach Post this oped is by Palm Beach County Administrator Robert Weisman
Palm Beach County’s hiring of a climate change and sustainability coordinator has generated a flurry of public comment. Conversation about wise management of taxpayer dollars is welcomed, just as proper planning for the future needs of the public is necessary.
This position is not the first step we have taken to address the long-term environmental and economic health of our county. We have been part of the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact since 2009. The compact is widely recognized as one of the nation’s leading examples of regional-scale climate action.
Over the past six years, the four counties in the compact — Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe — have worked together and with a growing number of government, nonprofit, academic and private-sector partners.
Our environment is changing, as evidenced by rising sea levels and temperatures, which will affect our beaches, coastal and near-coastal property and infrastructure, and water supplies. As new public and private development occurs, as aging infrastructure is repaired and replaced, and as we nourish our beautiful beaches, we must consider regional effects — good and bad.