Palm Beach County Likely to Benefit from President’s Climate Task Force
December 4, 2014

News Release
For release on: December 3, 2014
Contact:Robert Kraus, 561-233-2476
Palm Beach County Likely to Benefit from President’s Climate Task Force
South Florida and Palm Beach County are likely to benefit from the recommendations of President Obama’s Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience.
Over the past year, task force members consisting of 25 governors, mayors, tribal leaders and county officials from across the country, examined how the federal government can better aid communities dealing with the impacts of climate change. Its findings were recently presented to Vice President Joe Biden and senior White House officials.
The task force report highlights the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact (SFRCCC), the agreement between Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe counties that serves as a national model of effective regional action to address climate change impacts. South Florida’s concerns were well represented on the president’s task force, thanks to the appointment last year of SFRCCC representative Kristin Jacobs.
Task force recommendations focus on specific areas to build climate preparedness and resilience including disaster recovery, infrastructure investment, natural resource management, human health, community development and agriculture. It also advises the federal government to develop a transparent process to implement and track the task force recommendations and establish accountability.
The full task force report may be found at www.pbcgov.com/climate under “Climate News.”