Miami-Dade Approves EV-Ready Ordinance
May 1, 2019

According to the Compact’s recently published regional greenhouse gas inventory, the transportation sector accounts for nearly 50% of regional emissions, with on-road transportation accounting for most of this sector’s emissions. In working to reduce emissions from transportation where possible, local governments across Southeast Florida are preparing the region for increased electric vehicle (EV) adoption, a demonstrated decarbonization pathway. Miami-Dade County recently advanced the Regional Climate Action Plan’s recommendation to Promote community use of electric vehicles (EF-12) by passing an ordinance that requires all new multifamily residential buildings as well as office and business properties (with some exceptions) to have a set number of EV-ready parking spaces with level 2 charging infrastructure and signage.
While Florida currently ranks fourth nationwide in EV deployment, its continued leadership in transportation electrification—and accompanying emissions reductions—is dependent on policies and investments to close the EV infrastructure gap. A recent report indicated that less than 50% of the charging infrastructure needed in Miami through 2025 had been installed by the end of 2017. Miami-Dade County’s ordinance is a critical step in building the foundation for increased EV expansion.