Broward County Advances Updates to Flood Maps to Reflect Future Conditions
August 14, 2019
Broward County is making steady progress toward updating its Community 100-year Flood Map to account for conditions predicted in 2060-2069. Specifically, this includes the modeled flood extent and elevation with two feet of sea level rise, accounting for impacts to drainage systems, stormwater discharge, reductions in soil storage, and intensification of rainfall events. The revised map is anticipated to be used to update requirements for finished floor elevations for new construction and major redevelopment, while also informing the siting and design of critical infrastructure. While the map will not be used to set insurance rates, it is expected that this project will help maintain the affordability of flood insurance by keeping properties above the FEMA flood zone and establishing stricter standards that account for sea level rise, activities that deliver flood insurance discounts through the National Flood Insurance Program today.
This effort has been funded through cost share provided by the County, nine municipalities, and a local drainage district. The project is expected to be completed in December 2019 and presented for adoption by the county commission as the 2nd map in the county’s future conditions map series. The first map—the Future Conditions Wet Season Groundwater Table Map—was adopted in July 2017.