Regional Snapshot
Below is data from local/tribal governments in Southeast Florida (inclusive of the Compact region of Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe and Palm Beach) reporting on their climate change activities.
Twenty-nine local and tribal governments in the region, inclusive of Broward, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach and Monroe counties responded to the survey. Thirty-eight percent of the total local/tribal governments in Broward County, 28% of Miami-Dade’s local/tribal governments, 7% of Monroe’s local/tribal governments and 28% of Palm Beach’s local/tribal governments responded to the survey.

What are the priority actions where local/tribal governments are making the most progress?
Related to mitigation priorities, responding local/tribal governments are making the most progress on improving energy efficiency in the built environment(86%). Related to adaptation priorities, responding local/tribal governments are making the most progress in conducting vulnerability analyses (90%) and advancing capital projects (90%).