

RCAP Implementation Workshop: Climate Equity

Climate change functions as a “threat multiplier” – increasing individuals’ exposure and sensitivity to extreme weather, flooding, sea level rise, and extreme heat, thus reducing their capacity to respond to future climate impacts. This multiplier effect is particularly burdensome for, and at times disproportionately borne by frontline communities, which include people of color, individuals with […]

RCAP Implementation Workshop – Readying SEFL Communities for Resiliency Funding: Leveraging Existing Data and Best Practices for Vulnerability Assessments

Following the passage of several sea level rise and flooding resilience bills during the 2021 legislative session establishing the Florida Resilient Grant Program to fund resilience planning, this workshop aims to help prepare local governments in Southeast Florida to assess vulnerability and ensure alignment with state requirements. Vulnerability assessments are foundational to identifying the people, […]

13th Annual Southeast Florida Climate Compact

The Annual Climate Leadership Summit is a major regional event hosted by the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact to share knowledge, showcase climate action, engage leadership across sectors, and […]