Compact Events
4th Annual Southeast Florida Regional Climate Leadership Summit
December 6, 2012 @ 8:00 am - December 7, 2012 @ 5:00 pm
The 4th Annual Southeast Florida Regional Climate Leadership Summit was held on December 6 and 7. The annual Summit is coordinated by the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, a partnership between Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe and Palm Beach counties, their municipalities and other partners.
The Climate Leadership Summit is a major regional event focused on facilitating climate-related collaboration and knowledge sharing. The Summit attracts innovative thinkers and leaders from business, government, academia and the non-profit community to exchange ideas and dialogue at panel discussions and networking breaks.
Day 1 – December 6, 2012
Summit Workshop Presentations
Land Use and Infrastructure Planning in a Changing Climate: Integrating Regional Climate Information with Local Policies
- Spencer Reeder, Senior Associate, Cascadia Consulting Group (download here)
Using 3D Visualization Tools for Integrated Decision Making and Risk Characterization
- Greg Dobson, University of North Carolina at Asheville (download here)
FHWA Vulnerability Assessment Framework and INVEST Sustainability Tool
- Heather Holsinger, Sustainable Transport & Climate Change Team, Federal Highway Administration (download here)
Community Engagement and Cost Benefit Analysis for Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge Adaptation
- Sam Merrill, President, Catalysis Adaptation Partners, LLC (download here)
(Large File Size. Download may take a few minutes.)
Thinking Like a Region Presentation
Enhanced Local Mitigation Strategy (ELMS): A Regional Approach to Mitigation Planning with the Whole Community
- Miguel Ascarrunz, Assistant Director, Emergency Management Division, Broward County (download here)
Day 2 – December 7, 2012
Planning for Sea Level Rise Presentations
Coastal Management Requirements under the Community Planning Act of 2011
- Charles Pattison, President, 1000 Friends of Florida (download here)
Statewide Community Resiliency Initiative: Planning for Sea Level Rise Adaptation
- Julie Dennis, Planning Analyst, Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (download here)
Jordan et al. v. St. Johns County (With thanks to St. Johns County Attorney Patrick McCormack)
- Thomas Ruppert, Coastal Planning Specialist, Florida Sea Grant (download here)
Municipal Showcase Presentation
Climate Change Compact Presentation, Miami Beach
- Fred Beckmann, Director of Public Works, City of Miami Beach (download here)

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