Prioritize the safety and comfort of pedestrians, cyclists and other active transportation users through Complete Streets and Vision Zero policies and programs.
ST-14.1 Collaborate on the implementation of a system of Complete Streets that is context sensitive and safely serves the needs of transportation system users of all ages and abilities, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, motorists and freight handlers. Continue to support Complete Streets with policies, guidelines, funding programs and advancements in the design of transportation projects.
IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional transportation agencies
ST-14.2 Catalyze a shift to non-motorized modes of transportation through adopting a goal of Vision Zero, which emphasizes the elimination of traffic-related fatalities and provides safe, equitable and healthy mobility for all. Employ a safe systems approach that aims to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries of transportation system users by addressing five interrelated elements: safe road users, safe vehicles, safe speeds, safe roads and post-crash care.
IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional transportation agencies
ST-14.3 Incorporate green infrastructure in transportation policy and project design. Where technically feasible, ensure projects include urban heat island and/or urban tree canopy considerations to cool cyclists, pedestrians and transit system users. Promote consistent incorporation through tools such as the Greenroads Rating System and the Federal Highway Administration Infrastructure Voluntary Evaluation Sustainability Tool.
IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional transportation agencies
ST-14.4 Require new development and redevelopment to be planned and designed to support and enhance walking, biking and transit use in areas with existing and planned multimodal corridors, connecting employment and other activity centers in the region through all steps in the planning and development review process.
IMPLEMENTERS: local governments
ST-14.5 Provide adequate shade and environmental comfort for pedestrians and other street users through urban tree canopy and other street greening efforts. Create regulations, incentives and education to maintain and expand tree canopy, especially in areas where these resources are limited.
IMPLEMENTERS: local governments, regional transportation agencies