Improve the resilience of health care sector facilities and the communities they serve to ensure continuity of care without interruption and to mitigate health and environmental impacts.


PH-6.1 Conduct and share results of a climate impact assessment with health care facilities’ management team to avoid loss of services during disruptions. Collaborate on planning and preparation for shocks and stressors related to climate change.

IMPLEMENTERS: health care sector

PH-6.2 Collaborate with resilience and climate practitioners across local governments, public agencies and the nonprofit sector in order to share information and advance and align activities to increase the resilience of health care facilities.

IMPLEMENTERS: health care sector, local governments, non-profit organizations, community-based organizations

PH-6.3 Conduct emergency operation planning in coordination with other health care facilities across the region to ensure redundancy of critical systems and continuity of care.

IMPLEMENTERS: health care sector, local governments

PH-6.4 Collaborate with community and local government partners and align with existing resilience efforts to advance climate mitigation and adaptation strategies that support patient and community health and build the resilience of health care facilities.

IMPLEMENTERS: health care sector, local governments, community-based organizations

PH-6.5 Work with non-profit health care providers to craft their community health needs assessment and access community benefit dollars.

IMPLEMENTERS: health care sector, non-profit organizations

PH-6.6 Coordinate climate preparedness planning among health care systems, health care providers, clinicians and medical and allied health care professionals.

IMPLEMENTERS: health care sector